
I am Mat

About me

Hi! My name is Matheus,

I am a brazilian software engineer. I love to build stuff and am curious about how things works. I have a bachelor degree in Computer Science and I am passionate by my job and technology in general.

Here in this blog I will talk about some interesting things like Artificial Intelligence, Programming, Entrepreneurship, Project Management, Leadership, Business, Robots, Neuroscience, Philosophy and Jiu Jitsu. As a hobby I love to discover new things, absorb it to my daily life and share my thoughts with others so we can create a healthy discussion.

In this blog you will see a lot things not just technology related. Since I am starting a new cycle in my life, I’m gonna use this space to share with you a lot of different thoughts that I hope can be useful for you too!

So if you have some interesting projects you’d like to share or any other topics to discuss, you can find me on GitHub or Twitter.

Thank you and see you next time,
